Lars Lih completes his series on Lenin at Communist University 2009 by looking at the gambles Lenin made in taking power in 1917.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Asiatic social formation
A panel debate on the origins, social form and nature of the medieval Rus between:
Mike Macnair (CPGB)
Hillel Ticktin (editor of Critique)
Boris Kargalitsky (Institute of globalisation studies, Moscow)
The Israeli-Jewish working class
Moshé Machover addresses Communist University 2009 on the nature of the the Israeli-Jewish working class, looking in particular at the nature of Zionism, the effects of privatisation on the class structure of Israel and the role of ‘identity politics’.
Lenin and Kautsky
Canadian academic Lars Lih sums up the debate following his talk on Lenin and Kautsky’s relationship at the Communist Party of Great Britain’s annual school, Communist University.
On Unity
Stuart King of Permanent Revolution ( talks ‘On unity’ at Communist University, the annual school of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
What is different about this crisis?
Critique editor Hillel Ticktin discusses the dynamics bheind the current capitalist crisis and why they are different to previous downturns.
What sort of future for capitalism?
Critique editor Hillel Ticktin looks at the different straategies being proposed by different sections of the capitalist class and looks at what sort of capitalism we can expect to live under following this epochal crisis of capitalism.
Lessons of the Miners’ Strike 1984-85
Mark Fischer (CPGB) and Dave Douglass (NUM) discuss the lessons of the Great Miners’ Strike of 1984-5 at Communist University 2009 in South London.
Global collapse and post-Soviet capitalism
The origins and evolution of religion
Neolithic: what we mean by revolution and counterrevolution
Primitive Communism – what we think we know and why
Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group (RAG) discusses primitive communism and what it can tell us about being human to an audience at Communist University 2009.
Bolshevik reality and its lessons
Speakers: Simon Pirani, Hillel Ticktin (Critique) and Russian Marxist Boris Kagarlitsky. This video was taken at the Communist Party of Great Britain’s annual school, the Communist University, which took place from August 9 – 16 2008 in south London.
France 1968: Could the working class have taken power?
David Broder and Mike Macnair speak on France 1968.
Completing the Arab Revolution
Revolutionary Strategy
Mike Macnair introduces his new book “Revolutionary Strategy: Marxism and the challenge of left unity” to an audience at Communist University 2008.
Iran, Israel and the prospect of war
Second wave feminism and its contradictions
Fascism and fighting ghosts
Panel debate at Communist University 2008 between Ben Lewis (CPGB); David Isaacson (CPGB) and David Esterson (Permanent Revolution)