Economy, war, and climate change
Why prime ministerJeremy Corbyn would have faced a coup and how we can defeat counterrevolution
The bankruptcy of left Labourism
100 years since the foundation of the CPGB and the lessons for today
The army, the police and the armed people slogan in light of black lives matter
The Crisis of the Labour Left
Trump, Brexit, Corbyn and communist strategy
The place of the Soviet Union in history
The lessons of 1917
Debate: The right to bear arms
Free speech and Left Unity
Why getting the Soviet Union right still matters
Communists and religion
The Labour Party: past, present, future
The CPGB Draft Programme: what programmes are, how they should be organised, and why they are important
Jack Conrad addresses Communist University 2010 on the nature of communist programmes and the thinking behind the new CPGB Draft Programme.
The CPGB Draft Programme: The transition from capitalism to communism
Jack Conrad speaks to Communist University 2010 on the CPGB draft programme and the vision it outlines for the transition from capitalism to communism
30 years since the launch of the Leninist faction and our new programme
Jack Conrad discusses 30 years since the founding of the Leninist faction of the ‘official’ Communist Party of Great Britain before its liquidation in 1991.
The faction took up the banner of the CPGB and now organises as the CPGB, publishing the Weekly Worker.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Iran, Israel and the prospect of war