The Labour Party: past, present, future
Zinoviev and Martov – head in Halle
At Communist University 2011, Ben Lewis launched his new book (a collaboration with Lars T. Lih). For the first time, it makes the important speeches of Zinoviev and Martov to the conference of the USPD in Halle in 1920 available in the English language.
Israel and Arab Revolution
Why bourgeois law isn’t “just”
The economic crisis in Ireland and the left
Explaining the longevity of the Iranian theocracy
On the CPGB’s draft programme
Marxism and other worlds: fantasy and sci-fi
Beyond Chavs: imagining a working class politics for the 21th century
The present crisis and Marxist theory
Where is capitalism going?
What about Russia? Theories of the Soviet Union
The Labour Party’s development 1900-1980 and the mistakes of the left
Frederick Engels and his ‘Origins of the family, private property and the state’: still useful today?
Capital in history
Marx’s critique of political economy
On matriarchy and primitive communism
Speaker: Chris Knight, Radical Anthropology Group. This speech was delivered at Communist University 2011.