Do machines create communism? Accelerationism, AI, robots, and the working class
Do machines create value?
Yeomen and the English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century: The Missing Bourgeoisie?
Growth, ‘degrowth‘ and planning
The post-pandemic economy
The relevance of Marx’s economic theories today
The global crisis of the labour movement
Through what stage are we passing?
Labour theory of value for the 21st century
Brexit and international capitalism
The transitional period
The world economy after Brexit
Mental labour, value and video games
Was the great recession a crisis of profitability?
The future of the Eurozone single currency
Marx on the Imperialism of Free Trade
WWI: a symptom of capitalist decline
WWI: the successes, failure and significance of the Russian Revolution
Capitalist crises and their causes
Capitalism: terminal crisis or long-term decline?
Socialism or barbarism?
Against Keynes and Keynesianism
The rise of capitalism
The maturity of capitalism
The decline of capitalism
The present crisis and Marxist theory
Where is capitalism going?
Capital in history
Marx’s critique of political economy
What do Marxists mean by the decline of capitalism?
The present economic crisis in historical perspective
In the second of three presentations held at Communist University, Hillel Ticktin speaks about the economic crisis in historical perspective.
Marxism and crisis theory
Critique editor Hillel Ticktin opens up his series of three lectures on the capitalist crisis with a discussion of Marxist theories of crisis in order to establish their strengths and shortcomings.
What is different about this crisis?
Critique editor Hillel Ticktin discusses the dynamics bheind the current capitalist crisis and why they are different to previous downturns.
What sort of future for capitalism?
Critique editor Hillel Ticktin looks at the different straategies being proposed by different sections of the capitalist class and looks at what sort of capitalism we can expect to live under following this epochal crisis of capitalism.
Global collapse and post-Soviet capitalism